“Heavy equipment area” exposition is the real gem of the MiningWorld Russia exhibition.
It is a unique exposition where the world’s leading manufacturers showcase actual units of equipment, conceptual prototypes as well as excavators, dump trucks and other wheeled and crawler vehicles.
In 2023 the following exhibitors took part in “Heavy equipment area” exhibitors: Gormash Global, ZBO Drill Industries, ASTEC INDUSTRIES, PRIDE, NPGM, Picar, ALMAZGEOBUR, Tehnerud, TECHCARIER, DalMachinery, SM trade, Fambition, OZBT, Altaiburmash, NMS, Transport Center, OKB MIKRON, RUSBUSINESSAUTO, Rentakom, HammerMaster, NTC Bakor», PROTECMINE, Petropump, Shaanxi Taihe Intelligent Drilling, Jiangsu Goodeng Heavy Machinery Technology and others.
*MiningWorld Russia 2023 data
Specialists of mining and processing companies take a very responsible approach to the choice of professional equipment. Their decisions can influence the fulfillment of production plans, company’s ROI and the financial well-being of the enterprise.
Still brochures and leaflets provide only general product descriptions and features. It is highly important that the specialist responsible for equipment choice had the opportunity to explore the product via live demonstration.
Industry exhibition is the unique platform for live machines and equipment demonstration to a wide range of target audience.
Showcasing machines and equipment for mining industry at the industry exhibition allows:
- Prove the qualityof your products;
- Create trustto your products and company;
- Get instant feedbackfrom your customers;
- Finalize current deals;
- Stimulate interest in your productsamong potential customers - visitors to the exhibition;
- Gain a competitive advantageahead of those companies that do not take part in the exhibition.
Viktor Rada, Key Account Director, DalMachinery.
«We are taking part in the MiningWorld Russia exhibition for the first time. There is large number of visitors, the interest to the exhibition is very high. Visitors are very active and ask a lot of questions. This is our target audience, visitors come with particular and requests. We hope that we will not take our machines back home from the exhibition: everything will stay in the region or will go immediately to the end-user. Negotiations are already underway».
Andrey Lvov, Commercial Director, TechCarrier.
«The MiningWorld Russia exhibition is very important for our company, as nothing can replace live communication with customers. Here we find potential customers and conclude new contracts. We have brought to the exhibition crushing machine that was sold at this exhibition. Immediately after the exhibition, it will be sent to a new owner. After the exhibition, within a few months, we process the received applications».