Visitors from 75 Russian regions and 32 countries of the world

The vast geography of visitors to MiningWorld Russia provides an opportunity to enter new export markets.

Every year MiningWorld Russia breaks records in terms of the number of visitors, exhibitors and exhibition space. In 2024, a record number of professionals visited the exhibition - 8,410 against 8,299 last year. Of these, 4,594 were new visitors.

Who visits MiningWorld Russia?

The quality of visitors to the exhibition is high. On the site, exhibitors build contacts with managers and specialists of mining enterprises, mining and processing plants and wholesale trade companies. The visitors, in turn, are interested in the exhibitors' products:

  • 67% of specialists plan purchases as a result of visiting the exhibition,
  • 45% of visitors have a purchasing budget of more than 10 million rubles.

Among the visitors to MiningWorld Russia 2024 were representatives of such major companies as PJSC AK ALROSA, PJSC NLMK, PJSC MMK, PJSC Mechel, LLC Evraz, Nornickel, JSC SUEK, OJSC UMMC, MCC EuroChem, JSC Polymetal, LLC MC Polyus, RUSAL, PJSC Severstal, PJSC Uralkali and many others.

MiningWorld Russia exhibition

Geography of visitors

93% of visitors to MiningWorld Russia 2024 came from 75 Russian regions. The largest share among them is Moscow and the Moscow Region - 64%, or 4,962 visitors. Other regions were represented among 2,846 professionals (29% of the audience). Representatives of 32 countries gathered at MiningWorld Russia 2024. From abroad came 602 specialists, or 7% of the visitor audience.

Top-10 regions (excluding Moscow and St. Petersburg)

  1. Sverdlovsk region
  2. Chelyabinsk region
  3. Kemerovo Oblast
  4. Krasnoyarsk region
  5. Belgorod region
  6. Novosibirsk region
  7. Irkutsk Oblast
  8. Murmansk Oblast
  9. Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
  10. Republic of Karelia

Top-10 countries (excluding Russia)

  1. China
  2. Belarus
  3. Kazakhstan
  4. Turkey
  5. Germany
  6. India
  7. UAE
  8. Kyrgyzstan
  9. Uzbekistan
  10. Armenia

Find buyers from new geographies and expand partnerships at MiningWorld Russia 2025! The exhibition will take place on April 23-25 in Moscow, Crocus Expo IEC.