Feedback from MiningWorld Russia 2024 exhibitors

Representatives of TEM Partner, Techking Tires Limited, KAMAZ, Quarry-Service (QS Group), Bakor R&D Centre and Special Solutions shared their impressions of the exhibition.

In 2024, MiningWorld Russia reached new heights. A record number of companies took part in it - 578 manufacturers and suppliers of machinery and equipment for the mining industry demonstrated their products on 30+ thousand square meters of exhibition space. 8,410 industry specialists came to familiarize themselves with the products of the exhibitors.

Find out what the participants themselves think about the exhibition in this news.

Ivan Sidorkin, TEM Partner

Ivan Sidorkin - General Director of TEM Partner

“This is the second time we have participated in MiningWorld Russia. It is an opportunity for us to show ourselves, to meet people with whom we work continuously. It is a unique opportunity to see everyone in person for three days and discuss the prospects of development and realization of joint projects. This year's MiningWorld Russia exhibition is more colorful than in the past. It is noticeable that there are more visitors, and the scale of representation is much higher”.

Sun Zhongan – Techking Tires Limited

Sun Zhongan - Techking Tires Limited

“At MiningWorld Russia, we meet our friends, partners and new potential customers. Russia is a big country and a big market for our products. We want to expand our company's development opportunities here. Today and yesterday, potential customers - dealers and end users - came to our stand. We discussed issues and are ready to sign contracts for further cooperation”.

Sergey Nazarenko, KAMAZ

Sergey Nazarenko - Chief Designer of Innovative Vehicles, PJSC KAMAZ

“We are presenting two dump trucks at the exhibition: Atlant-50 and Atlant-49. These are new products, the Atlant-50 is being presented for the first time. Participation in the MiningWorld Russia exhibition is important for us because we can meet potential customers, gather a pool of orders for new equipment, present new products, tell the press and industry bloggers about them”.

Oleg Bagiev, QS Group

Oleg Bagiev - General Director of Quarry-Service (QS Group)

“We brought several new products to the exhibition - underground mining equipment, underground loader and auxiliary equipment for mining. We have been participating in the exhibition for 12 years, it is the main platform for the negotiation process, for meeting with all participants of the mining industry, discussing the prospects of development of the mining industry, getting acquainted with new products of competitors, signing agreements”.

Alexander Levin, Bakor R&D Centre

Alexander Levin - Head of Filtration and Enrichment Division, Bakor R&D Centre

“Participation in MiningWorld Russia opens up huge opportunities for us. Customers are located in different parts of Russia, often hard to reach, so it is a great opportunity to meet everyone at the same time, conduct intensive negotiations, meet our friends, partners, customers and have a productive session”.

Evgeny Zhikharev, Special Solutions LLC

Evgeny Zhikharev - Head of Installation and Service at Special Solutions LLC

“Special Solutions has been participating in MiningWorld Russia since 2017. Every year we make a stand and present our products. There is a large number of potential customers here, with whom we sign contracts every year. This year we have two contracts to sign. I think the prospects are huge“.

Book a stand at MiningWorld Russia 2025 and evaluate the efficiency of participation in the exhibition!

The 29th International Exhibition MiningWorld Russia will be held from April 23 to 25, 2025 in Moscow, Crocus Expo IEC.