What does participation in MiningWorld Russia 2025 bring?

Participation in the exhibition with your own stand is an opportunity to announce new products and present proven solutions for the mining industry.

Specialists and managers of mining enterprises, mining and processing plants and wholesale trade companies will present their products to the participants of MiningWorld Russia 2025. Demonstration of equipment and technologies is not the only reason to participate in the upcoming exhibition.

Five opportunities for MiningWorld Russia 2025 exhibitors

1. Find new customers and business partners.

8,410 professionals visited the exhibition in 2024 - an absolute record in the 28 years of its organization. Among them, exhibitors can find potential customers - 67% planned purchases as a result of attending the exhibition.

More than 5,900 companies were among the visitors to MiningWorld Russia 2024, including major mining and metallurgical companies: Alrosa, NLMK, MMK, Mechel, Evraz, Nornickel, SUEK, UMMC, EuroChem, Polymetal, YuGK, UK Polyus, RUSAL, Severstal, Uralkali and many others.

2. To communicate with current clients and partners.

MiningWorld Russia is the largest platform in Moscow for mining industry specialists from all over the country to communicate. It is where participants meet with their long-standing clients and partners - in 2024, 77% of companies did so.

MiningWorld Russia exhibition

MiningWorld Russia 2025

3. Establish connections with top managers of enterprises.

The majority of visitors are middle and top managers interested in purchasing equipment. Positions from the head of department to the owner of the enterprise occupy 70% of visitors. At their stands, exhibitors will be able to present their equipment to top management and agree on cooperation.

4. Increase sales volume.

At the exhibition, specialists not only want to learn about new products on the market, but also want to buy mining equipment for their companies or businesses. For this reason, the purchasing budget of 45% of visitors exceeds 10 million rubles.

Specialists are most interested in machinery and equipment for mining (48%), handling and transportation (40%), processing and concentration (40%) of minerals. Read more about product interest of visitors 2024 >>>

5. Expand the geography of sales.

Every year, the MiningWorld Russia International Exhibition brings together specialists from all over Russia and dozens of foreign countries. Thus, in 2024, representatives of 32 countries and 75 regions of Russia familiarized themselves with the exposition. Each visitor is a potentially new geography of supply.


Who has already confirmed their participation in MiningWorld Russia 2025

A number of major companies - recognized industry leaders - have already confirmed their participation in the upcoming exhibition. Equipment and technologies for mining will be presented by Russian and foreign exhibitors: AgroPromShina, Almazgeobur, ARMET RUS, Gormash Global, ERT-Group, IZTM-Engineering, KMZKO, NPO Passat, NTC Bakor, RIMERA, Special Solutions, FORGEO and many others.

MiningWorld Russia - International Exhibition of Machines and Equipment for Mining, Processing and Transportation of Minerals - will be held on April 23-25, 2025 in Moscow, Crocus Expo IEC

Book your stand - take advantage of the benefits of participating in the upcoming exhibition!